Monday, January 20, 2025


Everyone makes mistakes, so why can’t you? Big Bird

 5 inches of snow?  Flurries, calm, 14 degrees.Today's high 16 with a NNW wind.  Sun this afternoon.  Clear tonight with a strong west breeze, a low of -6.  Sunshine tomorrow with a brisk WSW breeze, a high of 18, a low of -5.  Sunshine Wednesday with a WNW breeze, a high of 16, a low of -2.  Cloudy Thursday with a SW breeze, a high of 20, a low of 2.  Sunshine Friday with a WNW breeze, a high of 26, a low of 6.  Sunshine Saturday with a west breeze, a high of 28, a low of 15.  Partly cloudy Sunday with a strong WSW breeze, a high of 35, a low of 14.  Partly cloudy Monday with a strong west breeze, a high of 27, a low of 12.  Partly cloudy next Tuesday with a stiff west breeze, a high of 29, a low of 19.  Partly cloudy next Wednesday with a strong west breeze, a high of 31, a low of 13.  Partly cloudy next Thursday and Friday with stiff WNW breezes, highs about 20, lows about 7.  Partly cloudy Saturday the 1st with a west breeze, a high of 25, a low of 17.  Cloudy Sunday the 2ed with a WSW breeze, a high of 33, a low of 23.  Partly cloudy Monday the 3rd with a stiff west breeze, a high of 34, a low of 21.

    Sunday, no one did much.  I was tired and it was icy so I didn't go to church.  Gilbert came  why I  was "watching" church online.  "Watching" in quotation marks because I was sound asleep in my chair,  I didn't wake up until he and Jay started talking about cucumbers.  The yard was very slick, Bekah had told me not to collect eggs again until the sun softened the ice.  At noon it was 41 degrees, the ice was softer but I still had to be very careful.
    Bekah and I deep cleaned our pellet stoves.  We want them to work perfectly this cold week.  We didn't get a lot of snow.  I'll see how much drifted against the house when I feed the birds.  We may put an electric heater in the cellar near where the pipes freeze.  The plow truck just went by plowing and putting down a fairly thick layer of sand.  There must be ice under the snow.
     Praying for our country, and that your day will be blessed, Sally

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