1/21/25The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.
Calm, clear,-6. Sunshine today with a stiff WSW breeze, a high of 19. Clear and -8 tonight. Sunshine tomorrow with a WNW breeze, a high of 18, a low of 1. Cloudy Thursday with a SW breeze, a high of 24, a low of 4. Sunshine Friday with a brisk WNW breeze, a high of 27, a low of 2. Mostly sunny Saturday with a west breeze, a high of 25, a low of 11. Partly cloudy Sunday with a stiff WSW breeze, a high of 34, a low of 14. Partly cloudy Monday with a brisk west breeze, a high of 25, a low of 14. Partly cloudy next Tuesday with a strong WSW breeze, a high of 29, a low of 19. Partly cloudy next Wednesday with a stiff west breeze, a high of 31, a low of 17. Partly cloudy next Thursday with a stiff WNW breeze, a high of 29, a low of 13. Partly cloudy Friday the 31st with a strong NW breeze, a high of 22, a low of 5. Mostly cloudy Saturday the 1st with a brisk WNW breeze, a high of 24, a low of 15. Mostly cloudy Sunday the 2ed with a stiff WNW breeze, a high of 34, a low of 24. AM snow showers Monday the 3rd with a stiff west breeze, a high of 33,a low of 15. Partly cloudy Tuesday the 4th with a strong WNW breeze, a high of 23, a low of 14.
If you are even half way warm this morning give thanks. Pray for the many who are just plain cold!
The man installing the furnace in the greenhouse came yesterday. He told Jay what he wanted for a base. They would like to build it right away but I'm not sure the sun will be enough to warm up the greenhouse enough for them to want to work on it. Jordn, the Mikes and Darel install Anderson windows. they aren't working today or tomorrow..
Sylvia, the cat that almost got caught by a predator is doing well. For several days she has wanted to sit on my lap but she didn't want me to touch her. The last few days she has wanted me to pet her. She is on my lap putting her head and paws on my hands. Darel has seen a beautiful red fox crossing the field several times. Other years when there have been a lot of coyotes around foxes have been bold about coming into the yard. Our two barn cats are still with us but the strays that were eating our cat food last fall haven't been around.
Bekah planted more seeds yesterday. Seeds that germinate at cooler temperatures.
I have a doctor's appointment this morning. They say I should be frugal and not warm up my truck. I'm not sure who "they" are but I will be warming up my truck this morning. May your day be blessed, Sally
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