Friday, July 26, 2024

 7/26/24 Doing something for yourself gives satisfaction, doing something for others gives life meaning

 .43 of rain yesterday.  Calm, clear and 61 degrees now  Mostly sunny today with a stiffNNW breeze, a high of 82.  Clouds early tonight, clearing overnight a light NE breeze, a low of 57.  Sunshine tomorrow with a light WNW breeze, a high of 83, a low of 58.  Sunshine Sunday with a SSW breeze, a high of 86, a low of 59.  Partly cloudy Monday with a SSE breeze, a high of 80, a low of 67.  Showers Tuesday and Wednesday with brisk south breezes, highs of 80, lows of 67.  PM thunderstorms Thursday, next Friday and Saturday  with SW breezes, a high of 85 Thursday. 90 Friday, 87 Saturday., lows about 69. Sunshine next Sunday with a SSW breeze, a high of 86, a low of 59.  Partly cloudy Monday the 5th with a west breeze, a high of 84, a low of 64. PM thunderstorms Tuesday the 6th with a SSW breeze, a high of 84, a low of 65.  Morning showers Wednesday the 7th with a west breeze, a high of 79, a low of 63.  Partly cloudy Thursday the 8th with a high of 80, a low of 62.Showers Friday the 9th with a WSW breeze, a high of 79, a low of 62.  

    Most of the rain came in the morning. Cucumbers were picked in the rain.  A soon as it wasn't pouring Jay, Bekah, and Heather started sorting and moving things that are where the new greenhouse is going.  It was the location of "pallet stalls" that pots and other greenhouse supplies were stored in.  Plenty of trash and lots of where shall we store this now.  Most of the pallets are too old to reuse.
   Today Bekah and Jay are making the first of many trips to the greenhouse to bring home the supplies that came with it.  They will be stored on pallets under tarps until the greenhouse is up.  They will fill the stand before they leave.  Heather will be here to help customers.
   Now that I'm feeling better I can do yard work around the house.  It looks very neglected!  Maybe even start filling the cookie jar again!  May your day be blessed.  Sally

Thursday, July 25, 2024

 7/25/24 The fact that a great many people believe something is no guarantee of its truth.

 Fog, clouds. calm. 62 degrees.  .15 of rain yesterday.  Showers this morning, rain this afternoon.  South breeze with a high of 72 today.  Partly cloudy tonight , light west breeze, a low of 59. Sunshine tomorrow with a light NW breeze,  high of 82, a low of 58.   Sunshine Sunday with a SW breeze, a high of 89, a low of 61.  Sunshine Monday with a south breeze, a high of 85, a low of 62.  Partly cloudy Tuesday with a brisk south breeze, a high of 83, a low of 66.  Showers Wednesday with a south breeze, a high of 80, a low of 68.  Scattered thunderstorms next Thursday with a SW breeze, a high of 85, a low of 67.  PM thunderstorms next Friday with a SW breeze, a high of 86, a low of 68. Scattered thunderstorms Saturday the3rd  with a WSW breeze, a high of 87, a low of 67.  Mostly cloudy Sunday the 4th  WNW breeze, a high of 85, a low of 66. Partly cloudy Monday the 5th with a WNW breeze, a high of 86, a low of 64.  PM showers Tuesday the 6th with a SSW breeze, a high of 84, a low of 65. Partly cloudy the 7th and 8th with WSW breezes, highs about 82, lows about 63.

   Although we only got .15 total of rain it rained all day yesterday.  Some harvesting was done in the rain, customers were helped.   The last load of large round bales was wrapped.  But most of the day was spent getting the garlic ready to put on racks for curing.  Because it never was dry the racks and garlic are still in the greenhouse.  Today doesn't look much dryer.
The morning fog is dense enough to register .01 on the rain gauge.
    Becka empyied the hoop house, moving the tomato plants to the calibrachoa house.  The hoop house will be torn down to make room for the new greenhouse.   It will be rebuilt in a different place.
   They will finish the garlic today.  Probably they will set up the racks in the garage figuring they will dry up overnight.  They'll move the garlic out of the greenhouse tomorrow before the greenhouse heats up.
    May God bless you on this day, Sally

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 7/24/24 Once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack. 

 1.41 inches of rain yesterday.  It's cloudy, calm and 62 degrees,  Occasional rain today and tonight with a SE breeze, a high of 73, a low of 61. Thunderstorms tomorrow with a south breeze, a high of 72, a low of 60.  Sunshine Friday with a brisk NNW breeze, a high of 82, a low of 58. Sunshine Saturday with a gentle NW breeze, a high of 84, a low of 59.  Sunshine Sunday with a SW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 61. Sunshine Monday with a south breeze, a high of 88, a low of 64.  Partly cloudy Tuesday with a south breeze, a high of  87, a low of 68.  Pm thunderstorms next Wednesday and Thursday with  SSW breezes,  highs of 85,  lows of 68.  Isolated Thunderstorms next Friday with a WSW breeze, a high of 89, a low of 68.  Partly cloudy next Weekend with WNW breezes, highs of 86, lows of 65.   Partly cloudy the 5th, 6th and 7th with WSW breeze, highs about 85, lows of 65.

    Rain or not Jay spent much of the day picking.  Except for green beans.  All the vegetables needed to be washed, so did Jay.  When they got back from delivering hay Doug and Bekah started wrapping round bales.  They have one more load to wrap this morning.  Bekah did find time between loads to measure out where the new greenhouse is going.
    While she was out there she found the bee hive was empty.  There is a problem with bees suddenly vacating a hive, no one seems to know why. Not good news. Jay is going to see if there is any honey in it.  Bees will come days and empty the hive of honey.
    Today will be spent setting the garage up to cure the garlic.  Jay has it all spread out in the greenhouse but it gets too hot in there to leave it.  The garlic was ready to harvest a couple of weeks earlier than most years.  They hurried to harvest it when an inch of rain was forecast.
    May your day be blessed, Sally

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 7/23/23  Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas Jefferson

 .32 of rain, forecast is for an inch.  Calm, 61 degrees now, today's high 68.  Clouds this evening with fog,a low of 61.  Showers Wednesday with a SE breeze, a high of 72, a low of 61.  Scattered thunderstorms Thursday with a south breeze, a high of 73, a low of 60.  Sunshine Friday with a NNW breeze, a high of 81, a low of 56.  Sunshine Saturday with a gentle NW breeze, a high of 83,a low of 58.  Partly cloudy Sunday with a SW breeze, a high of 87, a low of 61.  Sunshine Monday with a SSW breeze, a high of 91, a low of 64.  Partly cloudy next Tuesday with a SSW breeze, a high of 90, a low of 66.  PM thunderstorms next Wednesday with a SSW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 68.  PM showers Thursday, the 1st with a SW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 68.  Partly cloudy on the 2ed and 3rd with SW breezes, highs of 88, lows of 67.  Thunderstorms the next three days with highs in the mid eighties, lows in the mid sixties.

    We now have 1.25 inches.  Daug and Bekah are delivering hay.  They loaded the enclosed trailer  with plans to deliver it yesterday morning.  Things often don't go as planned.  The rain is supposed to let up by the time they get back so they can wrap the round bales they had planned to wrap last night.
   Yesterday was spent unloading a couple trailers, rebaling broken bales, bailing the large bales and other odds and ends.
The big accomplishment was digging the garlic.  It is a large and beautiful crop.  It filled the greenhouse tables.   Before the heat returns it will be curing on shelves in the garage with fans. The timing of the harvest was perfect.  I picked two gallons of blueberries.  That timing was good too, this hard rain would have knocked the ripe berries to the ground.  The rain is good for the berries that are still ripening.
    The extra chicks we were given this spring were "as hatched" meaning they weren't sexed.  We needed a rooster and Rachael and Evan were pleased to get the Araucana rooster.  The Amish boys who helped ud hay were happy to take a rooster home yesterday.  We still have a few more.
   1.32 of rain now.  May God bless you on this day, Sally

Monday, July 22, 2024

 7/22/24 The best way to lift one's self up is to help someone else. Booker T. Washington

It's calm, clear, 57 degrees. Sunshine this morning, some clouds this afternoon.  A WSW breeze with a high of 83.   Rain tonight with a low of 61.  Morning rain tomorrow, afternoon showers.  A light ESE breeze with a high of 73, a low of 63.  PM light rain Thursday with a south breeze, a high of 74, a low of 61.  Sunshine Friday and Saturday with NW breezes, highs of 80, lows of 56.  Sunshine  Sunday and next Monday with SW breezes, highs of 85 Sunday, 89 Monday.  Lows in the low sixties.  Partly cloudy next Tuesday and Wednesday with SW breezes, highs about 90, lows in the upper sixties.  Scattered thunderstorms Thursday the 1st with a SW breeze, a high of 87, a low of 68.  PM thunderstorms Friday the 2ed with a SW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 68.  Possible morning showers Saturday the 3rd with a WSW breeze, a high of 86, a low of 67.

   Church yesterday morning was followed by laundry and kitchen clean up for me and then off to a great grand daughter's birthday party in Bangor.   After church Jay, Bekah, Darel and Heather picked vegetables.  Then , except for Jay, they all went to the party.  Jay picked more vegetables.  Darel and Bekah left the party early  to unload hay.  The conveyor broke so they need to unload that load before they start on today's hay.  Doug was able to fix the conveyor this morning.  Bekah had plenty of watering to do.
    The rain is arriving tonight instead of late tomorrow so getting the rest of the hay in today will be a challenge.  May God be with you today, Sally

Sunday, July 21, 2024

 7/21/24  How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver! The Bible, Proverbs 16:16

Cloudy, calm, 64 degrees.  Clouds today with a brisk NW breeze, a high of 53.  Clear tonight with a west breeze, a low of 53.  Sunshine tomorrow with a WSW breeze, a high of 81, a low of 59.  Rain Tuesday with an ESE breeze, a high of 71, a low of 63.  Possible morning showers Wednesday with a SE breeze, a high  of 78, a low of 63.  PM thunderstorms Thursday with a SSW breeze, a high of 78, a low of 63.  Isolated thunderstorms Friday with a NW breeze, a high of  81, a low of 60.  Sunshine next weekend.  Saturday's high 85 with a NW breeze,  Sunday's high 89 with a SW breeze.  Lows about 63.  Sunshine next Monday with a SW breeze, a high of 90, a low of 67.  Partly cloudy next Tuesday with a SSW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 67.    Showers Wednesday the 31st  and the 1st with  south breezes,  highs of 84, lows of 67.  Partly cloudy Friday the 2ed and the weekend of the 3rd and 4th with SW breezes, highs in the mid eighties, lows in the mid sixties.

    The parade went off without a problem, fun was had by all.  The kids stayed at Bradford Days with Heather and Maegin.  Jay and Bekah came home to hay.  Lots of hay went in the barn, customers trailers and box trucks were filled in the field. Jay harvested in between loads.  And kept the soaker hoses running.
    Early afternoon the kids came home to rest for a while then went back to Bradford Daus for the pig scramble.  Jordn and Chiara's son Eli, age four, caught a piglet.  He was a very pleased boy.  Darel stayed home when they came home for a break and helped Jay harvest and helped mow the hay.  At dark they all went to the fireworks.  They have two more loads to unload this morning.  It is cloudy but not supposed to shower.
    Maegin gave the kids baths before they went to the fireworks last night.  She is headed back to Lewiston this morning, hoping to get there in time for church.  I doubt if Jay and Bekah will get the hay unloaded in time to go.  I can't help hay,so I'll go.  When I get home I'll pick blueberries.  May God bless your day, Sally

Saturday, July 20, 2024

 7/20/24  Today is a good day to have a good day.

 Clear. calm, 62 degrees.   Mostly sunshine today with a brisk SW breeze, a high of 84.  Clear tonight with a low of 61.  Partly cloudy tomorrow with a stiff NW breeze, a high of 79, a low of 54.  Sunshine Monday with a west breeze, a high of 81, a low of 57.  PM thunderstorms Tuesday with a SSE breeze, a high of 79, a low of 63.  50% chance of showers Wednesday with a SSE breeze, a high of 76, a low of 63.  45% chance of showers Thursday with a south breeze, a high of 880, a low of 63.  perhaps morning showers Friday with a NW breeze, a high of 81, a low of 61.  Partly cloudy next Saturday with a west breeze, a high of 86, a low of 64.  Sunshine next Sunday with a WSW breeze, a high of 90, a low of 67.  Partly cloudy next Monday with a SW breeze, high of 92, a low of 69.  PM thunderstorms next Tuesday with a SSW breeze, a high of 89, a low of 68. Scattered thunderstorms Wednesday the 31st with a south breeze, a high of 85, a low of 67/  Showers and thunderstorms the first three days of August with SW breezes, highs in the mid eighties, lows in the mid sixties.

     Yesterday was a hay day.  Heather and Maegin worked on the Bradford Days parade float as Jay and Bekah were putting hay in the barn.  For Jay and Bekah  today will be another hay day. Except for the parade.  Bradford people are loyal to Country Junction and they want to show their appreciation by being in the parade. I will tend the greenhouse.  Everyone else will go to Bradford Days.  Jay will try to harvest between loads.  He'll also keep the soaker hoses watering the vegetables.
     May God be with you on this day, Sally