Friday, January 3, 2025

 1/3/25“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”

Calm, cloudy, 26 degrees.  Cloudy today with a west wind, a high of 38.  Clouds tonight with a brisk west breeze, a low of 15.  Some sun tomorrow with a stiff WNW breeze, a high of 21. a low of 7.  Partly cloudy Sunday with a light NW wind, a high of 15, a low of 7. Sunshine Monday with a stiff NW breeze, a high of 22, a low of 12.  Clouds Tuesday  and Wednesday with  strong NW breezes, highs about 22, lows of 15 and 11.  Partly cloudy next Thursday with a stiff NW breeze, a high of 25, a low of 21.  Partly cloudy next Friday and next weekend with brisk NW breezes, highs of 31.  Lows of 22, 18, and 14.   Partly cloudy Monday the 19th with a NW breeze, a high of 29, a low of 13.  Partly cloudy the rest of the work week with NW breezes, highs about 25, lows of 11, 8, 11, and 13.
     Back to school yesterday.  Music lessons were here at four after the Christmas break.  Now the kids are rushing out the door to catch the bus for the second day back.  Suddenly the house is quiet.
     Last night Lil Andrew and Darel put several boxes of Christmas decorations up on the garage rafters.  Today I will start putting away the Christmas village.  Bekah spent much of yesterday going through books.  Between us we have more books than we have room for including some duplicates and old encyclopedias.  No one wants old encyclopedias. Some of the books we aren't keeping will go to family, others to the library.  There are some very old books we are keeping for now.
     Yesterday I left our nursery catalog with a neighbor who wants to plant a row of maple trees in memory of another neighbor.   Our main nursery order was made last August but we can add to it if the items are available.
    Remember, Christmas is over but thanks to Christmas Christ is always with us, Sally

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