1/2/25 You can't add days to your life but you can add life to your days.
.83 of rain .Possible snow flurries this morning. Strong west winds today with gusts to 40mph. It is 36 degrees, today's high. West wind continues tonight with overcast slides, a low of 23. Cloudy tomorrow with a west wind, a high of 28, a low of 14. Partly cloudy Saturday with a stiff WNW breeze, a high of 29, a low of 7. Partly cloudy Sunday with a strong WNW breeze, a high of 16, a low of 7. Sunshine Monday with a strong NW breeze, a high of 22, a low of 11. Partly cloudy Tuesday with a strong NW breeze, a high of 24, a low of 15. Clouds Wednesday and Thursday with strong WNW breezes, highs about 22, lows of 11 and 19. Partly cloudy next Friday and Saturday with brisk NW breezes, highs about 28, lows of 17 and 13. Partly cloudy the week of Sunday the 12th with NW breezes, highs in the mid twenties. Lows of 12 Sunday and Monday, lows of 9 the rest of the week.
Yesterday's weather was unpleasant. Mother Nature wanted to fill the streams before winter freeze up. There is no snow here for plant protection or to help keep the house warm. There was no wind, today will make up for that. Dry weather and steady NW winds are forecast for the next two weeks.
Potatoes were ordered. Jay ordered some fingerling potatoes to try. Strawberry and blueberry plants were ordered. Also asparagus roots. A few horseradish roots were ordered. Bekah isn't sure there is an interest in horseradish. Nothing more was added to the Johnny's or Fedco order. They will go in today.
Thanks to sick kids Maegin had dibs on the washer and dryer yesterday. Her girls have all clean bedding. I have started our laundry. With the threatened power outages I want it all done early. Our generator won't run the washer.
May your day be blessed, Sally
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