Sunday, October 6, 2024


How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

 Proverbs 16:16    

 Cloudy, calm, 49 degrees.  Clouds today with a NE breeze, a high of 62.. Clouds tonight, a low of 50.  Rain tomorrow and tomorrow night with a SSE breeze, a high of 56, a low of 49.  Showers early Tuesday morning with a NW breeze, A high of 59, a low of 48. Partly cloudy Wednesday with a west breeze, a high of 57, a low of 37.  Partly cloudy Thursday with a stiff NW breeze, a high 54, a low of 43.  Partly cloudy Friday with a strong WNW breeze, a high of 61, a low of 44.  Partly cloudy Saturday with a stiff west breeze, a high of 64, a low of 43.  Partly cloudy next Sunday with a WNW breeze, a high of 58, a low of 43.  Morning showers next Monday with a stiff WNW breeze, a high of 55, a low of 39.  Perhaps a morning shower next Tuesday with a brisk WNW breeze, a hig of 54, a low of 37.  Partly cloudy Wednesday the 16th with a stiff WNW breeze,  a high of 56, a low of 11.  Sunshine Thursday the 17th with a WSW breeze, a high of 61, a low of 41.   Perhaps a morning shower Friday the 18th with a SSW breeze, a high of 63. a low of 47.  Showers the morning of Saturday the 10th with a SW breeze, a high of 60, a low of 41.  Partly cloudy Sunday the 20th with a WNW breeze, a high of 58, a low of 41.

   The rain stopped about 9:30 yesterday morning.  Jay and Darel got the last load of small stuff.   Fans, windows, electric wiring, etc.  Tuesday a crew will get the rest.  Then comes the work of putting it back up. Monday was supposed to be the day but the rain pushed it to Tuesday.  But the rain is good for everyone's cover crop.
   We have yellow and dark red mums left.  Also sweet onions and very nice garlic.  Garlic that is good for seed or for cooking.
I heard from Hannah yesterday with an update on  my new great grandchild in Alaska who was born with down's syndrome. I'm copying and pasting it for those of you who've been asking. . " Josephine is doing good but is still in the nicu. She is off of oxygen and doing amazing with that, but she still has a nose feeding tube. To get to come home she needs to take enough of her milk volume with the bottle, right now she gets tired after a bit and they give the rest through the nose tube. She’s gaining weight great though and we are hopeful that she will do better with the bottle this coming week. Thank you for your prayers, we love her so much and want her home. "
    May God bless you today, Sally

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