Saturday, September 7, 2024

 9/7/24 There is power in the tongue.  Don't talk about how tired, broke, or sad you are.  Talk about how grateful you are.

Cloudy, calm. 53 degrees,  Clouds today with a brisk NNE breeze, a high of 68. Occasional showers tonight with a low of 55.  Partly cloudy tomorrow with a stiff west breeze, a high of 68, a low of 45. Sunshine Monday and Tuesday with brisk westerly breezes, highs about 72, lows about 48.  Sunshine Wednesday with a WSW breeze, a high of 77, a low of 55.  Partly cloudy Thursday with a WSW breeze, a high of 82, a low of 57.  Partly cloudy Friday with a west breeze, a high of 83, a low of 57.  Sunshine next Saturday with a NW breeze, a high of 83, a low of 56.  Sunshine next Sunday with a NE breeze, a high of 79, a low of 53.  Partly cloudy the week of the 16th with highs in the mid  seventies, lows in the mid fifties.

    Yesterday was another pleasant day.  Sun in the morning and evening but clouds in the afternoon when the hay needed it to dry enough to square bale.  So the barn isn't quite full.  Doug's cows will enjoy that second cutting next spring when their producing milk for their babies.
    I had a special visitor.  A man Darel grew up with and was in our wedding party stopped by.  He never got to Alaska but after we moved to Maine he visited nearly every deer season and sometimes in between.  It was good to see how well he was doing and catch up on his family.  Lots of memories were shared that made us smile.
    The nursery was busy.  People are taking advantage of this beautiful weather to plant perennials and fruit trees.  We only have a few trees left.    Looking at the forecast, newly planted plants will need to be watered.
    I'm missing all the summer birds.  I'll put suet out today.  Between the skunda, raccoons and summer heat the suet cakes have been in the freezer.  The sunflower seed feeders need to be washed and filled with fresh seed.  There are quite a few sunflowers in the gardens  and lots of other flowers going to seed but maybe some birds will come to the feeders.  The forecast is dry enough so they will come to the maple syrup pan pond in the kitchen garden.
    Baby Josephine didn't get to go home yesterday.   The doctors want her to stay on oxygen a few more days.
    May your day be blessed, Sally

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