Sunday, September 8, 2024

 9/8/24“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20 Clear, calm, 54 degrees.Pleasant weather is forecast for the next two weeks.It is going to warm up with a few days in the low eighties than daytime highs in the mid seventies, nighttime lows in the low fifties.  It will be dry so make sure any newly planted trees or perennials are watered.  There is no frost predicted so fertilize your containers and keep them watered to enjoy them longer.  We have lots of fall mums if there is a spot you want to brighten up.

    Darel's friend gave us his bear.  Son Mike helped me cut it up yesterday.  It is all packaged and in the freezer.
    Josephine didn't go home yesterday as planned.  She is on minimal oxygen but seems to need that little boost.  So the baby and mom will be in the hospital a few more days.  Her two older brothers were happy to have Dad come home!
    Jay's father was here most of yesterday getting ready to install the pellet stove today.  He had to move the telephone and computer wires.  Holes needed to be made in the wall for fresh air intake and the stove chimney. Bekah spent much of the day rearranging the room.  They moved in just as the greenhouse got busy so she had never put her house plants in their permanent home   Some will stay here in these large windows, others went upstairs to their rooms.
    May God be with you on this day, Sally

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