Saturday, June 8, 2024

 6/8/24 The person who never gives up never loses.

.41 of rain.  Clouds, fog, calm, 58 degrees.  Showers this morning, thunderstorms this afternoon with SW breezes, a high of 69.  Partly cloudy tonight with a WSW breeze, a low of 55.  Afternoon showers tomorrow with  a WSW breeze, a high of 69, a low of 51.  Showers Monday with a west breeze, a high of 72, a low of 52.  PM thunderstorms Tuesday with a WNW breeze, a high of 77, a low of 54.  Sunshine Wednesday with a SSE breeze, a high of 80, a low of 56.  Partly cloudy Thursday with a brsk SSW breeze, a high of 83, a low of 60.  Showers Friday with a brisk SSW breeze, a high of 82, a low of 60.  Partly cloudy Saturday with a brisk WNW breeze, a high of 80, a low of 57.  Sunshine Sunday with a brisk west breeze, a high of 81, a lot of 55.  Partly cloudy Monday the 17th with a NW breeze, a high of 82, a low of 55.  Showers Tuesday morning with a NW breeze, a high of 85, a low of 61. Partly cloudy Wednesday the 19th with a SW breeze, a high of 87, a low of 62. Possible morning showers Thursday the 20th with a SSE breeze,a high of 86, a low of 63.  Partly cloudy the next two days with highs about 65.

     The forsythia bush, the pagoda dogwood and bamboo have been conspiring to smother out my lilies.  And I've been too tired to do anything about it,  Each day I've been doing a little better.  Yesterday I was able to pull and cut back the plants that were acting like thugs so that they wouldn't lay on the lilies when they were wet and heavy.  And the lilies will get sun when it shines again.  I was wet and tired, there is a lot more to do but they are safe for now.
    Lots of customers came, even with umbrellas everyone got wet.  It didn't rain hard but it was steady.  No watering was necessary.   When they weren't waiting on customers they worked in the greenhouse transplanting.  Jay planted my begonia boxes that go along the back of the house and placed them.  The begonias aren't in bloom yet but they will be.  He also started working on the boxes in front of the garage.  They need some repair.
   Today is graduation day for the high school.  I am thankful that I am strong enough to go. No grandchildren graduating but a special one who's always called me gram.  I'm also thankful that the thunderstorms are this Saturday, not next Saturday.  A pleasant day is forecast for Sally Jp and Kaden's wedding.
   May God be with you on this day, Sally

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