Sunday, May 28, 2023

 5/28/23 Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself this question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?

Clear, calm. 54 degrees.  Sunshine today with a west wind, a high of 89.  Clear tonight with a strong north breeze, a low of 51.  Sunshine tomorrow with a stiff NNE breeze, a high of 70, a low of 45.  Sunshine Tuesday with a SW breeze, a high of 78, a low of 49.  Sunny Wednesday with a WSW breeze, a high of 87, a low of 56.  Sunny Thursday with a WNW breeze, a high of 91, a low of 61.  Scattered thunderstorms Friday with stiff north breezes, a high of 83, a low of 52.  Partly cloudy next weekend with brisk NW breezes, highs about 73.  Saturday night's low 46, Sunday's low 51.  Showers the week of the 5th with brisk NW breezes, highs in the upper sixties to seventy, lows upper forties to fifty.  Partly cloudy the weekend of the 10th and 11th with brisk NW breezes, highs in the seventies, lows about 52.

    Jay and Bekah waited on customers yesterday,  In between they watered and moved plants out of the greenhouses. Even with Darel's Heather being here all day to help they did not get any planting done.  No rush, next week will be plenty of time.  Last night they sprayed the oak tree and the pear trees for brown moths.
     Moving plants off window sills, washing the windows and putting in screens took most of my day.  I unwound the manville vine from the window I had overwintered it in and planted it outside, winding the vines back up on an old crib headboard for a support.  Then covered it with remay to ease its transition to direct sun and today's wind.  I washed the hummingbird feeders and put in fresh food.  I only filled them half full because with this heat I'll need to give them fresh food again Tuesday.  Last night I planted some flowers.  Church this morning and a family cookout this afternoon,  I'm hoping to plant more flowers this evening.
     There were so many customers yesterday I'm wondering how busy the nursery will be today and tomorrow.  This is the last Sunday and Monday they will be open.  Hours the rest of the season are nine to five-thirty Tuesday through Friday and nine to four on Saturdays.
    May God bless you on this day, Sally

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