Thursday, January 23, 2025

 1/23/25  When things go wrong take a minute to be thankful for the things that have gone right.

Some clouds, calm, 2 degrees.  Today's high 24 with  a SW breeze.  Partly cloudy tonight with a low of 4.  Partly cloudy Friday with a WNW breeze, a high of 27, a low of 0.  Sunshine Saturday with a west breeze, a high of 223, a low of 9.  Partly cloudy Sunday with a stiff WSW breeze, a high of 33, a low of 15.  Mostly cloudy Monday with a strong SW breeze, a high of 33, a low of 25.  Mostly cloudy Tuesday with a strong WSW breeze, a high of 30, a low of 4. Mostly cloudy Wednesday with a stiff NW breeze, a high of 16, a low of 3.  Sunshine Thursday with a stiff NW breeze, a high of 17, a low of 4. Partly cloudy next Friday with a brisk NW breeze, a high of 20, a low of 5.  Sunshine next Saturday with a stiff NW breeze, a high of 27, a low of 18.  Snow showers next Sunday with a WSW breeze, a high of 35, a low of 22.  Mostly cloudy the 3rd and 4th with brisk WNW breezes, highs 36 to 33, lows of 20 to 15.  Partly cloudy Wednesday the 5th with a WNW breeze, a high of 27, a low of 15.  AM snow showers Thursday the 6th with a NW breeze, a high of 27, a low of 14.

     A frozen pipe in the horse barn led to a broken pipe.  They will be carrying water to the chickens from the house until the weather moderates.  No more frozen pipes in the house.  There isn't much snow but it helps.  We run water whenever we get up at night.  Many people are not as fortunate.
     The sun warms up the greenhouses enough so they can work at setting things up for a few hours mid day.  Bekah has plenty to do inside planning displays that answer questions and make suggestions.  The web page needs to be updated too.  When it is this cold keeping the house warm and animals comfortable takes a lot of time.
     Prayers for those who have lost their homes due to disaster and for the many who are cold this morning.  Many homes in the south have no way of dealing with winter weather.  May God be with you on this day, Sally

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