Friday, June 28, 2024

 6/28/24  I believe there are angels among us.

  .06 rain yesterday  Sunshine, calm, 53 degrees.  Sunshine today with a strong NW breeze, a high of 72. Clouds move in tonight with a light SW breeze, a low of 51.  Cloudy tomorrow with a strong south breeze, a high of 70, a low of 59.  Thunderstorms Sunday with a brisk SW breeze, a high of 82, a low of 58.  Sunny Monday with a brisk north breeze, a high of 77, a low of 55.   Sunshine Tuesday with a NNE breeze, a high of 81, a low of 57.  Partly cloudy Wednesday with a south breeze, a high of 81, a low of 62.  Mostly cloudy Thursday with a WSW breeze, a high of 85, a low of 54.  Partly cloudy Friday with a WNW breeze, a high of 85, a low of 64.  Cloudy next weekend with south breezes, highs of 81, lows about 65.  Possible morning showers Monday the 8th with a WSSW breeze, a high of 83, a low of 63. Partly cloudy Tuesday the 9th with a west breeze, a high of 83, a low of 62. Some showers late Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th with SW breezes, highs of 83, lows of 63.  Partly cloudy Friday the 12th with a WSW breeze, a high of 84, a low of 65.

    My doctor's appointment went well yesterday.  Lab work showed my iron level much improved.  My doctor is happy that she held off on me getting an iron infusion.  I'm happy because I feel better and can resume PT.  She had to put my back back in place yesterday.  In five weeks I'll be getting my blood checked again.  I tire easily so I have to be careful not to get overtired and cause a pemphigoid flare up.  A family from church is meeting me there this afternoon to redo the church box.  The pansies I planted in April don't like the July heat.  The pansies will be taken out and planted in partial shade to rest until fall.  Then they will bloom again.  We'll plant geraniums in the box.
    Another load of last year's hay was taken from the barn and delivered.  They are thinking positively that next week's forecast won't change and they can start making square bales. to put in the barn.  A neighbor who will get square bales next week wants some of last year's hay to feed in july.  She likes to let this year's hay cure for a month before she starts feeding it.  Jay picked eighty something cucumbers again, and sold out.  He expects a bigger picking today.  He plans to dig potatoes today.  Gilbert gave me some cucumbers to take to a couple of neighbors who are no longer able to garden.
    May your day be blessed, Sally

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