Monday, January 13, 2025

1 /13/25  Many rush after pleasure so fast they rush right past it.

  Cloudy this morning with light snow, some clearing possible this afternoon.  a light WNW breeze, a high of 31.  Late night snow showers tonight with a low of 20.  Clouds tomorrow with a WNW breeze, a high of 31, a low off 19.  Partly cloudy Wednesday with a light NW wind, a high of 223, a low of 8.  Mostly cloudy Thursday with a light NW breeze, a high of 21, a low of 6. Partly cloudy Friday with a west breeze, a high of 27, a low of 14.  PM rain/snow showers Saturday with a stiff SSW breeze, a high of 38, a low of 25.  Partly cloudy Sunday with a brisk NW breeze, a high of 30, a low of 10.  Partly cloudy next Monday through Saturday the 25th with stiff NW breezes, highs in the teens lows in the single numbers to 0. Mostly cloudy Sunday the 26th and Monday the 27th with brisk NW breezes, highs of 23, lows of 10.

    A busy but pleasant Sunday. The roads weren't too good going to church.  On the way home traffic had cleared my lane.  Until I got to Charlson church, then the other lane was cleaned off.  So many people worship at Charleston church they had cleaned off the lanes leading to church.
    Bekah and Jay order most of their inventory from two nurseries, Bailey's and Prides Corner.  Prides Corner published their new catalog this month.  Bekah and Heather spent most of yesterday afternoon working on the Prides Corner order.  Bailey's order is bareroot and comes the third week in April.  The fruit trees and many shrubs are in it.   Prides Corner comes the first week in May, it has beautiful shrubs and perennials in it that are potted, ready to plant and enjoy.
     Pastor Cindy was in Maine for the baptism of  Pastor Spencer and Sarah Shaw's son.  We met at Governor's on Broadway in Bangor for an early supper.  A nice meal and a very thoughtful waiter.  It was early enough so there were lots of empty tables, we felt ok with taking a long time with our meal.  It was beginning to fill up as we were leaving.
     When I got home I boxed eggs, only one dozen was left in the egg refrigerator.  It seems to get emptied out on Sundays as people stop on their way home from their church.  Even though Bekah takes warm water out to the hens and I give them scratch three or four times a day the cold negatively affects production and egg size.  They have a full feeder of grain and a deep layer of straw for bedding with no drafts.  But just like in the house, cold settles in.  The guys watched the playoff game, Heather cleaned the kitchen and Bekah set up her computer.
    May the Lord be with you today, Sally

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