Saturday, August 31, 2024


8/31/24  Many  people rush after pleasure so fast that they rush right past it.

Some fog, this morning, clouds, a gentle south breeze, 55 degrees.  Clouds today with a strong south breeze, a high of 72.  Rain tonight with a south breeze, a low of 64.  Some  showers tomorrow morning, overcast in the afternoon with a SSW breeze, a high of 66, a low of 56.  Sunshine Monday and Tuesday with strong NW breezes, highs about 70, lows of 47 and 54.  Sunshine Wednesday and Thursday with SW breezes, highs about 80, lows about 55.  Sunshine Friday with a stiff south breeze, a high of 75, a low of 57.  Showers next Saturday into Sunday morning with highs about 68, lows about 52. S brisk SE breeze Saturday, a north breeze Sunday.  Partly cloudy the week of the 9th with NW breezes, highs in the low seventies, lows in the low fifties.

     Yesterday was a hay day.  When I got home from the County at dark they were still mowing hay.  There is a little left on one wagon they'll mow first thing this morning.  Early yesterday , before the dew dried they picked tomatoes and peaches. 
     It was a pleasant trip to Caribou.  I liked the hematologist.  She ordered so much blood work that the phlebotomist looked at all the tubes of blood she was drawing and told me to drink a couple bottles of water on the way home.  It will take about ten days to get all the results back.  If they tell the doctor what ahe expects them to I will be scheduled for four iron transfusions two weeks apart.  My sister was visiting with the lady at the desk why she was waiting for me.  The lady told her there was a shortage of the iron transfusion medication.  The same story I've been hearing down here.
     This morning Jay's father will be here to install Jay and Bekah's pellet stove here next to the computer.  It will heat this part of the house.  Some rearranging still needs to be done so I need to get busy.  May your day be blessed, Sally

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