Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 7/23/23  Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas Jefferson

 .32 of rain, forecast is for an inch.  Calm, 61 degrees now, today's high 68.  Clouds this evening with fog,a low of 61.  Showers Wednesday with a SE breeze, a high of 72, a low of 61.  Scattered thunderstorms Thursday with a south breeze, a high of 73, a low of 60.  Sunshine Friday with a NNW breeze, a high of 81, a low of 56.  Sunshine Saturday with a gentle NW breeze, a high of 83,a low of 58.  Partly cloudy Sunday with a SW breeze, a high of 87, a low of 61.  Sunshine Monday with a SSW breeze, a high of 91, a low of 64.  Partly cloudy next Tuesday with a SSW breeze, a high of 90, a low of 66.  PM thunderstorms next Wednesday with a SSW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 68.  PM showers Thursday, the 1st with a SW breeze, a high of 88, a low of 68.  Partly cloudy on the 2ed and 3rd with SW breezes, highs of 88, lows of 67.  Thunderstorms the next three days with highs in the mid eighties, lows in the mid sixties.

    We now have 1.25 inches.  Daug and Bekah are delivering hay.  They loaded the enclosed trailer  with plans to deliver it yesterday morning.  Things often don't go as planned.  The rain is supposed to let up by the time they get back so they can wrap the round bales they had planned to wrap last night.
   Yesterday was spent unloading a couple trailers, rebaling broken bales, bailing the large bales and other odds and ends.
The big accomplishment was digging the garlic.  It is a large and beautiful crop.  It filled the greenhouse tables.   Before the heat returns it will be curing on shelves in the garage with fans. The timing of the harvest was perfect.  I picked two gallons of blueberries.  That timing was good too, this hard rain would have knocked the ripe berries to the ground.  The rain is good for the berries that are still ripening.
    The extra chicks we were given this spring were "as hatched" meaning they weren't sexed.  We needed a rooster and Rachael and Evan were pleased to get the Araucana rooster.  The Amish boys who helped ud hay were happy to take a rooster home yesterday.  We still have a few more.
   1.32 of rain now.  May God bless you on this day, Sally

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