Thursday, February 13, 2025

 2/13/25 Friends are mostly made by telling each other what is right , not what is wrong.

 Calm, cloudy, 12 degrees.  3-5 inches of snow ,mostly this morning.  An ENE breeze, a high of 26.  A WNW wind tonight with a low of 13.  Very strong WNW winds tomorrow with sunshine, a high of 20, a low of 4.  A Brisk NW breeze Saturday with clouds, a high of 22, a low of 6.  10-16 inches of snow Sunday and Sunday night .  A stiff NE breeze Sunday, a strong north breeze Sunday night.  Sunday's high 13, the low 12.  Mostly cloudy Monday and Tuesday with WNW winds.  Monday's high 20, Tuesday's 12.  Lows of 3.  Partly cloudy Wednesday and Thursday with brisk WNW breezes, highs about 21, lows about 8.  Partly cloudy next Friday with a light NW wind, a high of 26, a low of 7.  Sunshine next Saturday with a brisk NW breeze, a high of 27, a low of 4.  Partly cloudy Sunday the 23rd with a west breeze, a high of 29, a low of 10.  Lots of clouds the week of the 24th with moderating temperatures.  NW breezes with highs in the low thirties, lows in the teens.  Moderating temperatures is good news for us, that is the week we start the fires in the first greenhouse.

   It has started snowing.  Valley Heating has already filled our propane tanks this morning.  Yesterday they installed the furnace in the new greenhouse.  They set up the tanks for that greenhouse.  They moved the other company's tanks from the old greenhouse and installed theirs.  Valley Heating propane is a dollar less a gallon than our old supplier.  The old supplier wasn't very interested in installing the furnace , They gave us a ridiculously high quote.  The old supplier is supposed to pick up their tanks on the 24th.
   School has been canceled.  Bekah is at the kennel doing morning chores.  Jay will be making the Valentine deliveries for the florist despite the storm.  I'm sure the florist is thankful the big storm is coming Sunday and not today.  
    May your day be blessed, Sally

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