Sunday, April 7, 2024

 4/7/24 Prayers allows the weakest as well as the strongest an equal access to God.

 .14 inch of rain yesterday.  It is cloudy, calm, and 33 degrees.  Some sun this afternoon with a high of 49 and a north wind.  Clear tonight with a NNW breeze, a low of 30. Sunshine tomorrow with a strong NW breeze, a high of 61, a low of 33.  Sunshine tuesday with a NNE breeze, a high of 54, a low of 29.  PM showers, overnight light rain Wednesday with a stiff SSE breeze, a high of 51, a low of 37. Rain Thursday and Thursday night with a stiff ESE breeze, a high of 45, a low of 44.   Showers Friday with a south wind, a high of 56, a low of 45.  Clouds Saturday with a light WSW wind, a high of 52, a low of 37. Clouds next Sunday with a strong WSW breeze, a high of 50, a low of 38.  Partly cloudy next Monday and Tuesday with highs about 57, lows about 40.  A brisk NNW breeze Monday, a brisk NE breeze Tuesday. Some showers every day the rest of the week and the weekend with stiff northerly breezes, highs in the low fifties, lows in the high thirties.

     Most of Sally Jo's stuff is down at the trailer.  Now she has the job of putting it away.  Today Jay and Bekah will move their stuff into this house.  They have a hay delivery to do tomorrow and the greenhouse is calling them!  It was watered yesterday but not much other greenhouse work was done.
     May God bless you on this day, Sally

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