3 /24/25 Maybe the best time to start was years ago. But the next best time is today.
Beautiful sunrise, some clouds, calm, 15 degrees. 3-5 inches of snow starting this afternoon, another 1-3 this evening. a brisk SE breeze today, a brisk NW breeze tonight. today's high 35, tonight's low 25. Morning fog, afternoon clouds tomorrow with a WNW breeze, a high of 45, a low of 27. PM showers Wednesday with a SW breeze, a high of 45, a low of 32. Snow Wednesday night. An inch? Partly cloudy Thursday with a brisk NW breeze, a high of 42, a low of 25. Partly cloudy Friday with a strong west breeze, a high of 41, a low of 20. Partly cloudy Saturday with a NW breeze, a high of 38, a low of 24. Rain/snow Sunday with an east breeze, a high of 36, a low of 30. 1-3 inches of snow/ice Sunday night. Showers next Monday with a NE breeze, a high of 45, a low of 31. Mostly cloudy next Tuesday with a brisk WNW breeze, a high of 42, a low of 27. Partly cloudy next Wednesday with a NW breeze, a high of 45, a low of 27. Mostly cloudy next Thursday with a brisk SE breeze, a high of 46, a low of 33. AM showers Friday the 4th with a stiff west breeze, a high of 50, a low of 37. Mostly cloudy the weekend of the 5th and 6th with stiff NW breezes, a high of 57 and 52, with a low of 37. PM showers Monday the 7th with a stiff WNW breeze, a high of 51, a low of 36.
The calm before the storm. Not a bad storm but the afternoon commute may be dicey Maegin, Bekah and Doug have already left to deliver a load of hay. We are wondering if the school will send the kids home early. No work projects are planned for Sunday afternoons. But we did defy the cold north wind and plan a path to the new greenhouse and the sunflower patch we usually have by the horse barn. That patch has always been my project but with me out of commission last year there were only some sunflowers that reseeded themselves. Bekah is ordering sunflower seeds today. I'm hoping I'll be helping renew the patch this year. It will be neat with the greenhouse path going through it. It has been a favorite spot for customers to take pictures.
Our bees didn't make it through the winter. There were yellow jackets around the hive last fall. We were told they would kill the bees overwinter. Bees moved into the hive in late summer so it wasn't a strong hive. Jay has made arrangements to get another hive. We need a hive up and going when the fruit trees blossom. And bees are needed for a good cucumber crop.
Very early yesterday morning when the wind gusts were strongest they sucked the doors off the cold frame. Bekah spotted it at daylight, she and Jay quickly moved the trays of flowers into the back room. They watered them with some tepid water from the barrel by the wood stove. The Sunday blessing, no flowers were damaged! Last night Bekah put an electric heater in the backroom for them.
May your day be blessed, Sally